Shady Alsuleiman – The Kaabah and Hajj

The Kaabah and Hajj

Islam is established on 5 foundations – Shahadah, Establish prayer, Pay Zakaah, Fast in Ramadan and to perform Hajj if you have the means.

Hajj is an important foundation of Deen and a beautiful experience.

“The first house to be established for worship was Bakkah (Makkah)”
Makkah has more than one name because it is a significant place. Makkah in a rough area surrounded by ‘black mountains’. Allah chose Makkah to establish the site of meeting for hujaaj. A place where all Muslims unite under the banner of Islam to worship Allah. The pilgrims – the guests of Allah.

When looking at the Kaaba, one should look at it with the heart, because there is something that will capture you, you become connected to Allah with your heart.

The impossible happens at Hajj, the bringing together at hajj different people from different backgrounds, countries, ethnicities and cultures doing one thing. Striving to please Allah by fulfilling the pillar of Hajj and pleasing Allah. A miracle from Allah, a proof of the truth of Islam as the religion and way of life for the people.
“And it is him that brought their hearts together, if you (Muhammad) were to spend all the wealth of this world to bring the hearts together you will never succeed, Allah is the one who has succeeded.”

“This day I have perfected your religion for you…” Islam is the bounty of Allah upon you. How many of us realize this gift?