Being locked down is a positive opportunity to correct our lives.
Attitude of a Believer while on lockdown:
– Performs what is beneficial, both in this world and the next.
– Seeks the Help of Allah, no matter how difficult the situation is.
– Stays stronger: mentally and physically.
– Consistently evaluated his life: his relationship with Allah, family and others.
Sahih Muslim –
The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah that the weak believer, and in both there is goodness.
Strive for that will benefit you, seek assistance from Allah and do not give up.
If something were to afflict you, do not say, “IF only I had done this, such and such would have occurred”, but say, “This is the decree of Allah and whatever He will He does, since “if only” unlocks the work of Shaytan.
Stories of Isolation:
– Yunus AS in the belly of the whale
– Yusuf AS in prison
– Prophet Muhammad SAW and companions RA were boycotted by QUraish
– Shaykul Islam ibn Taymiiyyah was jailed seven times.
Dua by Yunus AS: “There is no deity except You, exalted are You. Indeed I have been of the wrongdoers.”
Ask Yourself:
– What was my life prior to this lockdown?
– Have I realised my sin?
Ayaat to reflect on:
– Do people think they will be left alone after saying “we believe” without being put to the test?” [29:2]
– You may dislike something although it is good for you or like something although it is bad for you. [2:216]
– For indeed with hardship will be ease [94:5]
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