Yasir Qadhi – Beautiful Names of Allah – 11

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi discusses the meaning of one of the names of Allah which is As Sittir.

This particular name of Allah comes from the verb Satara which means to cover up. And it refers to Allah as the one who covers up and obviously, Allah knows what He is covering up.

Allah is As Sittir which means that He covers our sins and faults and instructs us to do the same in every circumstance unless the sin is of a huge magnitude such as murder.

Abu Huraira RA said that the Prophet ﷺ said, “A servant does not cover the faults of another servant in the world but that Allah will cover his faults on the Day of Resurrection.”

Abu Huraira RA said that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Everyone from my nation will be forgiven except those who sin in public. Among them is a man who commits an evil deed in the night that Allah has hidden for him, then in the morning he says: O people, I have done this sin! His Lord had hidden him during the night but in the morning he reveals what Allah has hidden.”