Yasir Qadhi – Blessings Of Iman

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi takes us on a journey which acquaints us with additional fruits of Iman. In this compelling talk, Shaykh Yasir gets us acquainted with the rewards for adhering to the Branches of Faith. Amongst numerous blessings awarded to us by Allah SWT, some are listed below:

  • Entry into Paradise (Jannah).
  • Protection from Hell (Jahannam).
  • Good deeds will be rewarded in the Hereafter.
  • Forgiveness of sins by having firm Eemaan.
  • Allah will defend us if we ensure we are blessed with a strong interest in Iman.
  • Fearing nobody except Allah. having Iman blesses us with courage and fortitude that makes us fear no one.
  • Finding comfort in one’s faith (Islam).
  • A winner in every situation (never a loser in any situation).
  • Finding a way out in every difficulty.
  • Gives refuge from committing more evil deeds.
  • Helps us with the Angel of Death at time of our end.
  • True unification of Muslim brothers and sisters globally.
  • Acceptance of benefit when sincere advice is meted out to a Mu’min.
  • Noor (light) on the Day of Judgement due to firm Iman.
  • Greatest blessing in the form of looking directly at the face of Allah SWT.

May Allah perfect and strengthen our Iman make us efficient in tasting each and every fruit of Iman. May Allah keep us steadfast in our goals towards reaffirmation of Eemaan.