Yasir Qadhi – Can Your Wife Reject Sexual Intercourse In Islam

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi discusses one of the most sensitive areas of certain verses in the Hadith which have been misinterpreted regarding intimacy.

The husbands can never attain marital bliss by becoming nasty and hurling hadiths at their wives. We should fathom the causes behind the marital discord and aim to resolve it by Muslim marital therapy.

Just as husbands have rights, so do the women and marriage can never succeed if we are worried about our own rights. Ask yourself whether it is me who has issues or not? Kindness, love, mercy and gentleness beautifies everything more so with marriage.

An explicit point for the brothers is that they have no right to be physical or force upon your wife and turn abusive if she rejects intimacy. If the woman refuses, it is between her and Allah SWT and without a valid excuse, she will be held accountable for it.