Yasir Qadhi – Lives Of The Sahaba 09 – Abu Bakr al-Siddiq – PT 09

As we embark on an emotional ride with Shaykh Yasir Qadhi​ , we are enlightened on the details of the death of Abu Bakr RA and the appointment of ‘Umar b. al-Khattab RA as the next Khalifa.

This talk makes us aware of the two major battles fought against Syria ( As Sham) and Iraq which toppled entirely the oldest and magnanimous civilizations of the time – the Roman Empire and the Sassanid Empire. These are discussed to great lengths and many mind blowing facts come to light which further illustrates the greatness and military genius of Abu Bakr RA .

Shaykh Yasir also presents us with the opinions of the historians who find these conquests nothing short of major anomalies as these battles were fought by the almost new Muslim civilization against the those that had achieved mastery.

Their lack of getting around these conquests and the simultaneous success of the Muslims arises from a simple question – How could an army that was so new, under equipped, malnourished, under armed and complete lack of training topple the two great civilizations of all times? We are then made to realize the power of Allah Almighty into seeing these things happen which is beyond human comprehension.

Also, there is ample discussion on the great warrior of all time, Khalid Ibn Waleed RA , who was described by the Prophet ﷺ as the ‘ Unsheathed Sword of Allah’. His dominance in destroying the civilizations prevalent in Syria and Iraq , which were bastions of Roman and Persian dominance, is firmly etched in our minds via vivid details and imagery.

Finally, we are enlightened on the details of the death of Abu Bakr RA, his conditions and statements before his death and how he set an example and adhered to the Sunnah even in his last moments is worth a listen.

May Allah SWT gather us with the beloved Sahaba of Allah on the Judgement Day and the Hereafter.