Yasir Qadhi – Lives Of The Sahaba 33 – Ali Ibn Abu Talib – PT 04

In this video, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi uncovers the circumstances and the situations that transpired before eventually culminating into the election of Ali Bin Abi Talib RA as the Khalifa after the death of Uthman Ibn Affan RA.

In the discussion that follows, we gather information that a group of the companions of the Prophet ﷺ – Talha RA and Zubair RA, went to Ali RA and offered to swear allegiance to him. It was met with complete refusal and an offer was made instead to swear allegiance to one of them and to serve as his Wazir.

Eventually, in the wake of their unified pressure and his duty toward Islam, Ali RA submitted himself to take the oath of allegiance. The people swore allegiance to him in unison.