Yasir Qadhi – On Death – Reflections At The Loss of My Aunt

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi experiences a personal loss and is in a whirlwind of emotions even as he expresses his thoughts on the death of his aunt. He reasserts the fact that death is an inevitable reality that we almost always ignore. Every soul will face it – the wise one prepares for it. 

Also, we tend to take family and loved ones for granted and do not give them the attention and love that they truly deserve before anyone else. Blood is thicker than any other worldly relationship. Hence, he implores upon us not to hold grudges, forgive and move on. After the death of loved ones, grudges transform into regret at lost opportunities. 

He also gives us ways to remain connected with our kith and kin and make time for them no matter what to avoid regrets later in life.

The Shaykh finally implores us to leave a legacy behind with which people will remember us for the good we did and this could be something as simple as maintaining friendly and loving relations with everyone.