Yasir Qadhi – Pearls From The Quran 13 – Ramadan 2017

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi elaborates on the Islamic principle of Tawakkul (reliance on Allah) as depicted in verse 51 of Surah At-Tawbah.  This verse deals with the Battle of Tabuk and the great difficulties faced by the companions RA. Allah SWT said to them: (to the effect) “Say, nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed. Allah is our Mawlana and in Allah let the believers place their trust.”  

This verse sheds ample light on the relation between the servant and the Creator. We also get the benefit of Tawakkul and we realise that no predicament and agony of this world is going to affect us unless Allaha has willed it. Tawakkul is an internal aspect and it changes the way we feel about problems around us or our perception.

We should put in efforts to get that which will benefit us, make dua to Allah and not to be lazy. If we do not get what we desire, we should place our Tawakkul in Allah and firmly believe that Allah Alone is sufficient for us and whatever happens in the future is by the Will of Allah.