Yasir Qadhi – Pearls From The Quran 15 – Ramadan 2017

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi illustrates the 9 blessings of giving Zakah, as described in the Quran and Sunnah.  We are also acquainted with some of the dangers of not giving Zakah.

Linguistically, Zakah means to purify our wealth and to grow the remaining wealth in order to increase Zakah.

There are 9 main blessings of Zakah:

  • Increase our wealth.
  • It causes our wordly distresses to be minimised and It averts calamities.
  • It is a proof of one’s Iman.
  • The highest level of believers in Jannah are those who are eager and continuous in giving Zakah.
  • Allah accepts our Zakat even before we hand it out to the poor and needy.
  • Zakat dissolves and extinguishes the wrath of Allah.
  • It protects us from Jahannam.
  • It allows us to enter into the Rahmah of Allah.

Dangers of not giving Zakah:

  • It sets the essence of the signs of hypocrisy creeping in.
  • It takes everything from us and removes Barakah.
  • Allah will stop sending rain and droughts will set in.