Yasir Qadhi – Quranic Duas – Ramadan Khatirahs 2019 – Episode 15

Shaykh Yasir talks about the dua of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Musa and the lessons to imbibe and inculcate from these magnificent duas.

‘O Allah! Don’t make us a Fitnah for the Kafir’
[Surah Yunus , Verses 85-86]

What does it imply? 

  • Don’t punish us at the hands of the Kafir like Firaun. Don’t make us a test for them. Do not make them win over us and torture us.
  • Do not allow the kafir to see something in us that makes him reject Islam. Do not make me a Fitnah for the kafir.
  • Do not make us failures even in this Dunya because this will be used as an interpretation for them to believe that our religion is backward.