Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2022 – The Manners of The Believers #14 The Defining Characteristic Modesty (Haya)

In Part 14 of our series, I discuss the defining characteristic of our faith, as per the words of the Prophet (ﷺ) : modesty (ḥayā`).Shyness and modesty is not about being quiet or acting like an introvert! The ‘ḥayāi’ that is praised is an innate feeling that dissuades a person from undertaking any action that will be blameworthy. It is an internal ‘check-and-balances’ that acts like a conscience and makes one feel guilty even before doing a sin, hence it stops a person before doing the sin.It is generally associated with abstaining from vulgarities and indecencies, in speech, interaction, and dress.The Prophet (S) said, “Ḥayā – all of it – is nothing but good…” [al-Bukhari].