Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan The Month of Victory

Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi acquaints us with the six major battles that were won by Muslims during the month of Ramadan and the lessons we comprehend from these historical battles.

  • Battle of Badr – 17 Ramadan, 2 H
  • Conquest of Makkah – 23 Ramadan, 8H
  • Battle of Andalus – 28 Ramadan, 93 H
  • Battle under Muhammed Ibn Qasim in Sindh – 94 H
  • Battle of Hattin – 583 H
  • Battle of Ain Jaloot -25 Ramadan, 658 H

Listen intently to reiterate the comprehensive lessons that must be imbibed and inculcated amongst the Muslim Ummah.