Yasir Qadhi – Reality Of Sihr, Black Magic, Exorcisms And Jinns

What is Sihr? What does it mean linguistically and theologically? How do magicians learn Sihr?

How can we detect if someone has Sihr (Black Magic) done on them? What is possession and exorcism? How to combat Sihr and Jinns? Shaykh Yasir Qadhi elaborates on a variety of such mind boggling topics that warrant our attention.

The Shaykh also discusses Quranic stories about Sihr. The first is the story of Musa AS. The other story is about Sulaiman AS and his power to control wind, Jinns and animals. listen intently to discover the pertinent details. 

After Sulaiman AS died, the Shayateen claimed to have unlocked his powers and told that Sulaiman AS knew black magic. But Allah defended him explicitly in the Holy Qur’an. A very comprehensive explanation about the same is provided by the Shaykh.

Sihr was also done on the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Aisha RA narrates that the Prophet ﷺ assumed that he needed to do a Ghusl thinking he had been intimate the night before but that was never the case. He also had a dream that gave him the solution of his assumption due to Sihr. What was it? What did the Prophet ﷺ do about it? Do not miss the explanation provided. 

What lessons do we imbibe from the happenings with the Prophet Musa AS, Sulaiman AS and Prophet ﷺ?

  • Iman and Taqwa does not necessarily protect you from Sihr but can possibly minimise the impact definitely. The stronger the Iman, the lesser the impact of Sihr.
  • Most magic occurs by using body parts of the one on whom magic is done like hairs and nails and clothing items.
  • One of the main ways to combat Sihr is to make Dua continuously.
  • It is very helpful to know where the item is so that it can be destroyed.

Surah Al Falaq and An Nas are the most precious when it comes to combating Sihr.

The physical and psychological nature of Jinns is illustrated for us to alleviate fears in our minds. What is meant by Jinn? What are the roots of Jinns? Why do the Jinns do what they do? The mysteries surrounding these smokeless creations are elucidated briefly. The speed and strength of Jinns is mostly much stronger than man and they possess the capability to transform matter into energy and vice versa.