Yasir Qadhi – Rewards For Being Good To Family And Relatives

Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi acquaints us with the blessings and virtues of being good to family & relatives. He also provides us with practical tips to deal with difficult family members.  

The concept of the term ‘family’, its composition and the stature of a family is illustrated explicitly in this video.

Of the people whom Allah has cursed in the Qur’an is cutting off from one’s family is one of the things that invites Allah Lanah which is worse than His Adhaab. It is the worst punishment of Allah.

What is the meaning of fulfilling the ties of kinship? It means to remain connected with your extended family in such a way that is acceptable and in the conforms of the tradition and culture of your society. It is also Mustahab to give Zakah to your extended family. We should also show love and compassion as one deems fit to our family as it has been validated in the Shariah.