Yasir Qadhi – Seerah – 57 The Battle of Khandaq Ahzab P1

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi moves on to lay emphasis on the next major battle that was fought which is the battle of Khandaq or Battle of Ahzab that took place in the year 5H in Shawwal.

What propelled the battle? It basically started off with an instigation of the tribe of Banu Nadheer. They wanted to avenge the humiliation they had received of being expelled from their lands because of their attempt to assassinate the Prophet ﷺ. So this resulted in the,m joining hands with the Gatafaan and Quraysh after solid tactics of convincing and offering returns in exchange for this support.

Abu Sufyan was the one who led the battle of Khandaq under who were 10,000 men whereas the Madinah Muslims were only 2500 in number. The Prophet ﷺ began contemplating on the ways in which to approach this battle and sought help from the sahabas as was the norm before every major Ghazwa.one of them – Salman al Farsi suggested that they should begin building  a trench.

Henceforth, the Prophet ﷺ commanded for the trench to be built.10 people were assigned to build each portion of the trench which was approximately 2 km long, 13 ft wide and 7-9 km in depth. Next, was the issue of the women, the elderly and the children and the Prophet ﷺ commanded for them to be sent to Al Fari, which was the fortress of the Banu Harithah. Only one young man made it to this fortress – Hassan ibn Thabit. Why was he not made a part of the army despite being able enough to fight? Listen intently to fully fathom the reason. A brief biography of Hassan Ibn Thabit RA is also shared so as to understand his unwillingness to fight or hold a sword.

Building a trench isolated the Prophet ﷺ and his fleet of sahabas from the outside world and this also resulted in a shortage of food supplies. They had built this trench as a mere stalling tactic to avert the opposition and fully relied on Allah’s help which they firmly believed would be theirs soon. And that is exactly what happened as we shall see in the next lecture. Do not miss it.