Yasir Qadhi – Seerah – 87 Battle of Tabuk 1

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi now moves on to the topic of the battle of Tabuk and a detailed description is discussed in the lecture.

The battle of Tabuk took place in the month of Rajab, 9 H. What was the reason behind the occurrence of this battle?The meaning of Tabuk is shared and we get the reference from the Prophet ﷺ when he refers it to a type of spring. Why did the name of the battle get named so? Listen intently to discover the details. Another name that is synonymous with this Ghazwa is that of  ‘Jaysh Al Usra’. What is the reasoning behind this? It is an interesting one.

This particular battle was a very difficult one. There are some reasons for this:

  • The size of the Muslim army was the largest that Arabia had ever seen.
  • The length of the distance that had to be undertaken by the Muslim army was the largest that they had ever attempted.

The Prophet ﷺ began accumulating funds for the battle and clearly, a huge amount was required. Most of the Sahabas contributed generously and the largest share was that of Uthman Ibn Affan RA.


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