Yasir Qadhi – The Branches of Faith – 14 – Love of Allah

In this enlightening talk, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi wants us to reflect upon the emotion of loving Allah SWT in addition to being fearful and scared of Allah. The level of love of Allah is far greater than that of fear.

It is the primary motivation in the worship of Allah. Allah’s love must be more than love of family and love of everything we have. A Muslim must love Allah and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Shaykh Yasir wants us to contemplate over the quintessential question – Why do we love Allah? How is the love of Allah manifested? 

He also advises us to delve deep into thinking of ways to increase our love for Allah by leaps and bounds and furnishes us with numerous examples of the same.

This short yet comprehensive talk will definitely tingle at the roots of Iman deeply embedded in each one of us.