Yasir Qadhi – The Branches of Faith – 18 – Ten Branches of Iman

In this enriching talk, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi takes us on a discussion of some important branches of faith that deserve a fair mention. Amongst these are as below:

  1. Guarding the tongue.
  2. Keeping one’s trust 
  3. Eating and drinking pure food 
  4. Guarding one’s appearance (modest attire)
  5. Sticking to the Jama’ (community)
  6. Fulfilling ties of kinship
  7. Spreading Salam 
  8. Taking care of one’s spouse and children 
  9. Rights of the servant and those under you
  10. Good character (Akhlaq)

Listen to the Shaykh as he delves into these important topics in a mesmerizing manner.