Yasir Qadhi – The Branches of Faith – 19 – Ten Additional Branches of Iman

In a continuation of the previous talk, we are made to go over ten more branches of Iman by Shaykh Yasir. These are as below –

  1. Loving and respecting the Prophet ﷺ
  2. Seek and teach knowledge of Islam
  3. Loving to read, memorize and ponder over the Qur’an
  4. Salah – Daily 5 prayers 
  5. Zakah
  6. Fast – Fasting Ramadan
  7. Hajj – for those who are able
  8. Counting the blessings of Allah upon us

Listen to this deep talk given by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi so that we can involve these values in our life.

May Allah enable us to imbibe these qualities in our life with utmost sincerity.