Yasir Qadhi – The Branches of Faith – 21 – The Blessings of Iman Part 2

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi takes us on a journey which acquaints us with additional fruits of Iman .Of the blessings of Iman, one of the most misunderstood blessings is that Iman allows for you to have a beautiful life in this world only. The average misconception that is predominant in so many Muslims is, either I must enjoy this world and I’ll sacrifice the next, or I’ll live ‘miserably’ in this world so I can get Jannah in the next. This person does not realize that Allah does not shortchange those who turn to him.

The Shaykh has said that this simply implies that the one who chooses Allah will be blessed in this world before the next. Therefore, they will be given this dunya and the next. That is something that the average person does not always understand. The best life that you can possibly live is the life of a believer.

The blessings of Iman discussed in this enlightening video are as below:

1) Promise of a  beautiful life in this world and  the hereafter.
2) gives refuge from committing more evil deeds.
3) Helps us with the angel of death at time of our end.
4) true unification of Muslim brothers and sisters globally.
5) acceptance of benefit when sincere advice is meted out to a Mumin.
6) Noor (light) in day of Judgement due to firm Iman.
7) Greatest blessing in the form of looking directly at the face of Allah SWT.

May Allah perfect and strengthen our Iman make us efficient in tasting each and every fruit of Iman.