Yasir Qadhi – The MeToo Movement & Sexual Crimes from an Islamic Perspective

Some of the points from this respected Sheikh’s talk here:-


  1. Mothers are the first line of defense for your sons and daughters. What then should parents do when facing children who’ve been molested? Please listen to this talk as our Sheikh answers this extremely important question.
  2. If a mistake lands our friend in dire consequences, what should our first response be? Our Sheikh reminds us how we should behave.
  3. Should injustice be concealed? When to expose, when to cover? Our Sheikh answers this question in this talk. 
  4. You cannot eliminate evil. Even in prophetic madinah rape took place. In a rape incident in Madinah in the time of the prophet s.a.w. So how was this serious transgression addressed by our beloved? 
  5. Abuse of moral values surrounds us and our children. How do we prevent filthy from becoming mainstream? Listen to the whole of this talk to discover the steps needed to address this serious virus attacking us.
  6. If you come across someone doing a personal sin, what should you do? Listen to this talk to learn the necessary steps to  manage such a situation.