Yasir Qadhi – Towards Understanding Surah Yusuf – 17

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi now discusses from verse 83 of Surah Yusuf about the moving passage of Yaqub AS on what he did after being confronted by the brothers and their divulging of information of the capture of Bin Yameen and the self exile imposed by the oldest brother upon himself.

Yaqub AS responds to the accusations by saying that the brothers have concocted a story up and this can never be true what they were saying. He prays for the best form of patience by not complaining and seek the guidance of Allah in sorting matters off. He is optimistic which portrays his strong Iman. Allah is Al Aleem and Al Hakeem.

The grief of Yaqub AS when he remembers his son Yusuf AS so much from 20 to 30 years is so immense that Yaqub AS went blind by crying and grief. The brothers criticised their father for remembering Yusuf AS no end. The father responds by saying that his grief is only told by him to Allah and he is no need for his sons sympathy.

What does he tell his sons to do next? Listen intently and be mesmerised.