Yasir Qadhi – Understanding The Traditions of The Signs of Judgement Day – Episode 2

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi delves into the topic of the Day of Judgement and we are acquainted with the Minor Signs of the Judgement Day.

  • The Prophet ﷺ said, “Did you ever hear of a city located partly on land and partly in the sea? They (the Companions) said: Messenger of Allah Ever. He Saw said: It happened the day of Resurrection, so he was attacked by 70,000 people from Bani Ishaq. When they had got there, so they enter it. They are not fighting with guns and did not release any single arrows. They just say La ilaha illa Allaah Akbar, then fell one part of the city. Said Tsaur (narrators of hadith): I do not know unless it is; only say that troops are in the sea. Then they say the second time Laa ilaha illa Allaah Akbar, then fell also some other (land). Then they said again Laa ilaha illa Allaah Akbar, then opened all of the city. Then they entered it. When they were handing out the war booty, suddenly there came a man (Satan), shouting: Behold the liars have been out. Then they left everything and come back.” – This Hadith predicts many westerners converting to Islam and they will conquer Constantinople without any bloodshed .
  • In the Arabian Peninsula, there shall be tall buildings and skyscrapers.
  • The Ummah of the Prophet ﷺ will have plenty of wealth.
  • Evils will spread like the loss of trust among people.
  • The rise and spread of evil and corrupt leaders.
  • There would be plenty of bloodshed among the Ummah continually until Judgement Day.
  • Killing, bloodshed and war would be increased.
  • Intercourse outside of marriage – Zina –  will become a norm of sorts.
  • The proliferation of intoxicants and music till the end of time.
  • Building of magnificent Masajid that are empty.
  • Children will become bossy and domineering over the parents and be disrespectful towards them.
  • Multiple shopping centers and souqs will be in large quantities and this will lead of hardening of the hearts and diminishing of Taqwa.
  • Obesity will be rampant among the people.
  • Ar Room will be the dominant civilisation of the world. This is indicated at the Modern West.
  • Writing would become prevalent and literacy will be at its peak.
  • The coming of Muhammad Ibn Abdillah – the Mahdi – this is the link between the end of the Minor signs and the beginning of the Major Signs – which is the coming of Dajjal.