Yassir Fazaga – Dignity in the Islamic Tradition

Fall 2015 Bayan Symposium
Dignity and Health-Care at the End of Life: An Abrahamic Bioethics Conversation
Dignity in the Islamic Tradition – Yassir Fazaga

Imam Yassir Fazaga discusses the concept of dignity in the Islamic tradition at end-of-life care, and what are some basic guidelines and rules for “pulling the plug” in Islam.

Bayan Claremont and the University of Chicago’s Initiative on Islam and Medicine, with the sponsorship of the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue (DICID), organized a one-day symposium titled “Dignity and Health-Care at the End of Life: An Abrahamic Bioethics Conversation” on October 24, 2015 in Claremont, CA. This video represents a segment of the event.