Yusuf Chambers – Modern Britain Under the Microscope

This is a very good talk by Yusuf Chambers, a social activist who has been striving to raise awareness about the socials ills and corruption in our world today.

As is the case with long videos I upload, here you have the table of contents. Timeframes are not accurate, but the topics should give you an idea:

2:00 Community cohesion
3:30 How to get along with one another
5:06 What Sharia is.
12:00 Tolerance
23:20 Respect for women
24:25 Alcohol
27:55 Who is bringing up our kids?
29:40 Economic slavery
31:05 Prostitution, drugs.
32:15 Violence in schools
35:30 Need for social cohesion
38:30 Neighbour Relations
40:15 Youth culture and women
43:50 Drinking habiths
44:45 Dog agression
45:55 SOD’s aids, homosexuality
50:15 Rape
51:50 Solution against economic slavery
55:05 Consumerism
55:55 Celebrities and despression
57:50 What is the answer? turn off all media.
58:30 The Purpose of Hijab
1:01:20 Solution against alcohol
1:05:05 Sexual diseases
1:05:55 Harm of Usury
1:07:15 Non muslim commentary about Islamic teachings